Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Getting back into routine

We're finally all on the mend and hopefully will stay healthy!  For the past 4 weeks we have battled some cold or stomach virus...constantly.  My nose is just beginning to not be stuffy 24/7!  But with all the sickness that has circulated our home, our routine and discipline has flown out the window it seems.  When children have fevers and just want to be held...that's what I did.  Forget the housework, forget the whining, I mean, with a 102* fever you'd expect some whining right?  I did.  So we'd snuggle.  And have lots of screen time.  If Mama wasn't feeling well, there were lots of shows watched and not many chores done.
Now we're back to the grind and I'm finding just how much work we have to do to catch up with the attitudes around here!  Chores were done today and attitudes were constantly being adjusted...mine included ;)

Baby plans are coming together!  It's still crazy to me that my due date is in a short 16 days.  16 days!  Soon we will find out if this babe is a boy or a girl.  Any last minute guesses on gender or day the baby will be born?!

Jarrod should be done traveling until May.  He's been gone a lot for little trips to Montreal or Germany.  I'm thankful he has such a good job and is a valuable employee to them, but I'm so happy he'll be home for a little while!

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