Thursday, September 4, 2014

11 weeks

I'm now 11 weeks pregnant and I can just feel the nausea starting to ease up.  Which is good cause I'm so tired of eating english muffins, apples, and pretzel sticks as those 3 things seemed to settle well when nothing else would!  As always, if I avoided sugar and anything to drink but water or lemon water my nausea wasn't as bad as when I would try to drink coffee or try something sweet.  Even really sweet fruits like grapes caused me to feel very sick.  I don't usually enjoy eating cold cereal but after weeks of just english muffins or toast I was craving cold cereal HAHA!
Overall, though, this pregnancy is going smoothly and already flying by!
Jadon is super excited about this baby!  His most recent comments to me-
'Mom, I love my sisters but I'd really love if this baby was a brother cause I don't have a brother yet.'
'Mom, this time when the baby is born, I'm big enough to hold him or her on the couch by myself!'
'I love our baby.'
Kyla just stares at my belly and asks, 'baby?'
We are all excited about this new life!

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