Saturday, September 7, 2013

Azelia's Birth Story

Azelia’s Birth Story

My due date was August 26th and it came and went.  Ryan and Abby were in Potsdam and we had been hoping the baby would arrive before they visited, so that we could join everyone in Potsdam for a family staycation.  Baby had other ideas! 
Jarrod had to be at Schluter the 26th-29th with the exception that I went into labor.  I decided I felt more comfortable being here in Plattsburgh until the baby was born, especially if Jarrod wasn’t able to be with me in Potsdam Monday through Thursday. 
Friday morning dawned and still no baby.  I had a doctor’s appointment and I was just barely 2cm dilated and still between 50%-60% effaced.  I got home from the appointment and we decided to pack up and head to Potsdam.  I knew that if I ended up not going into labor until after Ryan and Abby left I would be extremely disappointed I missed out on spending time with them!  So off we went!

Nothing unusual about Friday.  Typical Braxton Hicks contractions that didn’t have a pattern until about 10pm Friday night.  Still, nothing alarming about them, they were 10-15 minutes apart and weren’t painful and I had been having Braxton Hicks for weeks like that.  We went to bed after watching a movie together and I slept alright until 2am when I was woken up to a contraction that was different than the rest.  You know, the type that says, “labor is here!”  I waited through several contractions that were 7 minutes apart before letting Jarrod know.  By that time they had switched to every 5 minutes and I was ready to head to Plattsburgh just for my peace of mind!  Justin stayed with the kids in Potsdam and Megan followed shortly behind us to Plattsburgh. 
By the time we reached Malone, contractions had went to every 10 minutes.  I dozed inbetween them as Jarrod drove home.  We reached home around 6am and laid down to try to sleep.  I wasn’t expecting to be able to sleep but I was able to sleep until 7:30.  Contractions were still 10-12 minutes apart and they weren’t picking up in intensity yet.  At this point I started thinking that this labor was feeling strikingly similar to Jadon’s labor and I was NOT ready or looking forward to a long labor!  I got up and showered before deciding to lay back down and sleep.  I woke up again at 8:30 and couldn’t fall back to sleep.  Mom arrived mid morning just in case things suddenly picked up.  The day was passed with multiple walks, hand massages and foot rubs, I napped for awhile in the afternoon, movies were watched and in general we just tried to relax, knowing that it could still be awhile.  Contractions would pick up while I sat, about every 5 minutes, speed up to 3 minutes while walking, and slow down right after a walk to 7-9 minutes.  No extra intensity to them yet though, still just a steady edge to them. 

At 8:30pm I decided to go to bed.  I slept until 10, woke up for awhile and then was able to sleep till 2am when an intense contraction woke me up.  I labored for awhile before Jarrod woke up to me breathing through a contraction.  He watched me through several before asking if we should head to the hospital.  I told him I thought it was still early on in the stage of labor and we had some time.  By 4:30am we headed to the hospital with Mom and Megan. 

Around 5:30am I was checked and was 4cm dilated, 75% effaced and at 0 station.  The contractions were picking up in intensity and I was already weary.  I had no energy to even walk around the room much. 
At 8:30 I was checked again and was at 6cm, 100% effaced and -2 station.  (how that happened, we’re not sure!)  I was discouraged to say the least.  I was already feeling like I was falling apart.  Not handling the contractions as well as I wanted to and feeling SO tired, that thinking of hours more of contractions was overwhelming!  Jarrod kept encouraging me and I remember Megan telling me over and over that I was doing so well, Mom telling me to just take it one contraction at a time.  Then I had other encouraging text messages coming through!  Some of them...
Dad:  Katelyn has the strength and courage of a mighty warrior!  So nothing will keep her from having this healthy baby and discouragement is no more! 
Ryan:  Kate, we love you and know that God will give you the strength needed for this process!
Abby:  Each and every contraction is bringing you closer to meeting this baby Kate!  Your body was designed for this miracle!  Praying for strength!  Love you!

By 10:40am I was 8cm dilated and having the urge to push but the baby’s heartrate kept fluctuating.  We finally were able to reach my midwife and she arrived shortly before 11.  She checked me and said that there was still a lip on my cervix and I was still 8cm.  She told me to refrain from pushing as the contractions were coming every 2-3 minutes with the strong urge to push.  I was able to hold back the first urge and then I couldn’t not push.  During this time there was a flurry of activity that I was in a fog for but I remember what happened! 
When Bridget arrived and saw that the baby’s heartrate was fluctuating, she started me on oxygen and checked to see why the baby’s HR was going up and down.  She explained to us that as soon as she pressed on the baby’s head in the birth canal, the baby’s heartrate went back up.  But during all this she went and talked with the doctor and everything was ready in the event we needed a c-section.  The doctor came in to check me and stood nearby for the rest of the delivery.  Text messages were sent out to pray.  And let me tell you!  We felt them.  Here are some of the ways we did! 
~During the flurry of activity getting the room ready for the delivery of the baby, they brought in a second nurse to help.  She was only in there for about 10 minutes but sat right next to me, coaching me.  I could clearly hear her and her voice was calm.  “Kate, don’t push.  Breathe.  Here...quick breaths if you need to but try not to push!”  And after I failed to not push, she would tell me it was okay and we’d just try again with the next contraction.  Definitely what I needed at that precise moment!  After 10 minutes the other nurse was ready to take back over.
~Bridget arrived at the most crucial time.  Jarrod and I both are positive that if a doctor had been the one to arrive in the room before her, we would have ended up as a c-section.  She not only is against c-sections unless they are absolutely necessary, she also knows we are against them unless the baby is in danger.  She extended grace and thoroughly checked the situation out to see if the baby was in fact okay. 
~Azelia’s HR kept going up as needed to ensure that we could continue with a vaginal delivery. 

After what seemed like an eternity of being told not to push, Bridget told me I could push.  I started at 11:20am to push.  The doctor was still right there and she stood behind Bridget and counted to ten.  She told me to try to push for 10 seconds before taking a deep breath.  That helped to have a “goal” before taking in a breath and pushing again.  I could hear the doctor counting and soon heard exclamations of, “I see a head” and “keep going Kate” and “you’re doing great”!  After the head crowned I was told to try to refrain from pushing while Bridget checked for the cord.  I looked down and this is the first time I’ve actually been able to see the head as the baby was being delivered!  Bridget then told me I could gently push and I managed to do little pant breaths for a minute to push more gently (I think! ha!) and a little body was pushed out!  Azelia was put on top of me and the umbilical cord was in the way, I couldn’t tell if she was a girl or boy!  Mom called out that it was a girl, as no one else had announced it due to Jarrod still in shock, as at that point we both thought she was a boy because of the labor and pregnancy being SO similar to Jadon’s!  She was here!  A perfect little girl!  I was crying and laughing and telling her that I was so glad she was here! 

Timing contractions on Saturday at home

First moments with my newest daughter!

Azelia Grace

Taking everything in

Jadon's expression tells you everything you need to know-he loves his new sister!
Loving on our girl!
Sweet baby


Mama and daughter

Azelia (A-Zeel-Ya) Grace Persun was born at 11:40am after a 34 hour labor including only 20 minutes of pushing.  She was 7 lbs 13 ozs (my biggest so far!) and 20 1/2 inches long. 

Many MANY thanks to all the people who helped me with this labor!  Jarrod, Megan, and Mom, thank you for sticking with me throughout a long and slow labor!  I couldn’t have done it without you...really!
To my family, thank you for the texts of encouragement!  They helped me a lot as our newest babe was entering the world!
Justin, thank you SO much for watching and loving on our other children while Azelia was born and sticking around after to help us until I got back on my feet!  What a huge blessing!!!

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