Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Kyla Ryanne

Kyla turned 2 on June 8th and I'm just getting around to blogging about it!

My little girl is such a blessing!  She LOVES to help in any way she can and especially if it concerns Azelia.  Anything Azelia could need or want, Kyla is happy to run and get it for her!  If Azelia needs a nuk and Kyla doesn't see one around her, she will grab the nuk from her own mouth and give it to Azelia.  It may not seem like much, but Kyla loves her nuk!  That one action is a selfless action that I love seeing!  This girl is determined, a little helper, sweet and quiet unless she has something to say.  Then she's the loudest person in the house!  I am so blessed by this sweet girl and am so thankful she is my daughter!

Kyla, 2 days old

1st Birthday

2nd Birthday

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