Wednesday, July 9, 2014

5 Years

On May 23rd, Jarrod and I celebrated 5 years of marriage.  5!  Time sure has flown!  Looking back I'm so thankful for the wisdom of my parents.  The way my dad had Jarrod wait to ask to court me until he was sure he wanted to marry me.  The way my parents blessed our marriage.  Before I got married, Dad took me for a special Father/Daughter trip.  We went to NYC and did special things like eat out, see a Broadway show, take a carriage ride through the city and talk about anything and everything.  I so valued that trip and the investment in it that my dad made.  Honoring your parents blesses not only them, but it blesses you too! 

Jarrod as I walk down the aisle
Our first kiss (not only as man and wife but our first kiss ever)
Along the way we bought a house
and had three kids

I can't wait to see what else God has in store for us!  It's been an exciting and fun 5 years being married to Jarrod!

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