Friday, February 26, 2016

Happenings around here lately

It all started about a year ago.  Jarrod brought up the topic of building our own home.  While I loved the idea of that, I knew we weren't in a financial position to do that.  And I wasn't sure we would actually be able to agree on house plans lol.
Then I would get antsy to move and have a little more room in a bigger house.  He would then remind me we couldn't swing it with the finances we had.
When we first got married, we received a prophetic word that if one of us was saying yes and the other was saying no, it didn't necessarily mean no, it might mean "wait".  But if we were both in agreement-to go for it.  It was the Lord.  That prophetic word has rang true through every big and little decision we've made.
In January, I felt like I should go onto and see what was on the market.  I wasn't sure why but felt the pull to browse through the different houses for sale.  I came across one that I really loved.  I couldn't stop thinking about it and ended up texting Jarrod to see what he thought.  He also liked it.  I got ahold of our realtor and she took us to see the house.  And we loved it.  We were in agreement on it.  Jarrod came home and started working through the numbers to see if it would work and what we would have to sell our home for.  And it would work!
Through a chain of events, we believe that God is leading us to sell our home and to buy a larger one.  Now, we have begun the process of fixing up or changing paint colors that will help our home sell!

When we moved in, I wanted to paint the kitchen/dining room area this pretty green color!  I love that color with the black table but it was time to paint the kitchen a more neutral tone if we were going to sell it!

I chose a light gray color.  But in certain lights or with the blue countertops, it looks more blue than gray!  Pretty, classy and neutral all in one!

Now we have to finish up other random projects.  Jarrod has been traveling a lot the past few weeks so we haven't moved forward very quickly.  We'll see what God's plan is concerning our home and where He leads us in this adventure!  If you know of someone looking to buy a home in our area, let them know we're looking to sell ours ;)  Pray for wisdom for us as we seek God's will for our family!

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