Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Choosing her name

Liliana Serenity

Jarrod and I went back and forth with name ideas for a long time with this pregnancy.  We weren't getting anywhere.  No name was jumping out at us.
About 20 weeks into my pregnancy I woke up from a dream about giving birth to a baby girl.  In that dream, we had named our daughter Liliana.  Hmmm.....Liliana.  I kinda like that.  I never would have found it in the baby name book as it was under Lilian and I'm not in love with that name.  Interesting....a God thing?  I decided to see what Jarrod thought of the name.  He said it to himself a few times before nodding and saying he liked it too.
Over the course of the next 20 weeks we looked at a few more names before deciding we couldn't find any other name we agreed on and liked better than Liliana.  Our one nicknames!  He isn't fond of Lily, I'm not fond of Lil....
Serenity was a harder name to come up with.  I found it soon after finding Liliana and LOVED it.  Serenity means peace.  Ahhh, peace.  Something about it seemed to fit.  I really felt like this baby was going to be a peacemaker.
However, Jarrod was not convinced.  Anytime I would say "Liliana Serenity", he would shake his head no.  "I just don't love it."
"Okay, here's the name book.  What ones do you like?" (I was all out of ideas at this point!)
"I can't find any either!"
So we went back and forth with Serenity.  One night, out on our last date night before Liliana was born, I brought up names again.  I asked him to say the name like when he's calling one of the kids to come do something.  Then to say it in a sing song voice like he was talking to a baby.  Liliana Serenity.  Liliana Serenity.  After saying it a few times to himself and pretending to call a child, he decided he liked it and loved that it meant peace.  We finally had our girl name!

Liliana means lily and Serenity means peace.

Liliana Serenity

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