Friday, March 17, 2017

Grayson's Birth Story Part 3

The nurse came in and Jarrod informed her that I was having pushing urges.  She said okay, that the Dr. would be in shortly but they wanted to get me back on the monitor for a bit.  So back into bed I went.  The pushing urges went away but the pressure remained the same.  I sat up as far as was comfortable.  Through a contraction Megan would take my right hand and stroke it while encouraging me and Jarrod would take my left hand and lean in next to me so I could rest my forehead into his shoulder and cheek to his cheek.  I don't know how to describe it but it felt like as long as he was right there, I could pull from his strength because mine was gone.  In between contractions I would lay my head against a mound of pillows that were propped up and rest.  Music was playing in the background and around this point I distinctly remember "I Shall Not Want" coming on and hearing her sing "Deliver Me Oh God".  It was soothing and a great reminder that He would help me.   I was sitting there thinking, "God, please help me deliver this baby.  I need help.  I'm so done."  And I found out later that Jarrod was standing there thinking, "Is this song actually encouraging during labor?"  HAHA!

The Doctor came in around 9:30 and told us that my midwife was hoping to be able to stay but couldn't and that she would be taking over for her.  She's from the practice I go to and she's an excellent doctor.  I felt comfortable with her which was a blessing.  She checked me and I was at 7cm.  7.  It felt like I had been working through contractions for FOREVER and I was only at 7.  And what was with the pushing urges at 7cm?!  That has never happened to me before and because of the pushing urges I thought for sure I was father along.  Disheartened is not a strong enough word to describe how I was feeling right then.  The Dr. offered to break my water and I decided to have her do it.  I knew it would make the contractions even more intense but it was possible that was what was causing less pressure and in turn, helping me get to 10cm.

Contractions did pick up in intensity.  Wave after wave every 2 minutes and fresh intensity to them.  Pushing urges started up again and I was finding it hard to resist the urge to push.  Breathing, panting and sheer will just wasn't working past the first urge throughout a contraction.  The nurse came back in and checked me.  8cm.  I would guess it was around 10am right then.  I still was having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I wasn't 9-10cm and I was having such strong pushing urges.  It wasn't making sense and in my head it felt like it was going to take hours to get to 10 and I was going to be worn out by then.  Encouragement was still pouring in from Abby and Liz (Jarrod would read me the texts between contractions) and Megan and Jarrod were telling me how well I was doing even though I felt like I was miserably failing.  Strong contraction.  Push!  Don't Push!   And then I would push after holding back for the first urge.  

The Dr came in again and checked me at 10:15am.  She told me I was at 9cm and she thought with the next contraction she would let me push.  She thought that maybe I was at 10cm while contracting and then the pressure eased up a bit and it went to 9.  But through the next contraction she would check me and find out for sure.

Whew.  I have the okay to push.  I don't have to fight through these urges anymore!  

This is where it got crazy and a little chaotic.  And looking back on it we laugh hysterically but in the moment, no one was laughing!

This next contraction came on more slowly than the others.  It wasn't 2 minutes in between, more like 4 minutes.  And then I felt it coming on.  Wow.  Intense.  Hard.  Strong.
The Dr. turned around to grab a packet of gloves.  I sat up and grabbed Megan and Jarrod's hands and pushed.  Like-gave it my all.  Finally got the green light and I wasn't able to stop.  About 5 seconds into pushing I realized, "Oh.  Oh.  That hurts.  That really burns.  THE BABY IS CROWNING."  The Dr. turned back around while trying to get the packet open, saw the baby crowning, couldn't get the gloves open and tossed them at the nurse while rushing over to grab the sheet and the baby's head.  Through all this I am pushing without stopping as I just.couldn't.stop.  I heard the nurse and Dr calling out, "Can't get this open" "head is crowning" "slow down".
"I can't stop, I'm sorry." was what I responded with which was at a higher octave than I normally speak at.  Jarrod turned to me and said, "It's the head!"
In my mind it sounded like he also was trying to tell me to stop and I growled/yelled back, "I KNOW IT'S THE HEAD!!!"  (little backstory, I've always wanted to hear when the head was there because it was progress.  Now, obviously I know when the baby is crowning but hearing that people see the head encourages me.  So Jarrod always makes sure to tell me when he can see the head!  Also, I've never yelled at him during labor, I'm more of a "bear the pain in silence and focus" so he wasn't sure what to do!  Which we laugh at now!)
The nurse shoved a glove on the Dr's hand and I heard her say something about "let me help rotate the shoulders" as I was pushing.  "Get her legs up" And then I had not only the nurse helping but also Jarrod and Megan helping.  I was actually lifted off the bed for a second!  ......and the baby slipped right out after I was elevated up.  One push.  I didn't even know that could happen.  But apparently once I was given the okay to push, I wasn't going to stop! (The Dr. later told me that she hadn't seen something like that.  9cm, pushed for literally one minute and the baby was completely out.  She said it was like my womb just opened up suddenly!)
Jarrod turned to me half laughing and half crying, "It's a boy!  It's a BOY babe!"  The baby was handed right to me and I was also laughing and crying and couldn't seem to stop saying, "It's a boy!  Oh, Jadon will be so happy!  He has a brother!"  I really do love the surprise of not knowing what the gender is until this moment!

 Seconds later they helped me remove my gown and get the baby skin to skin.  He was pretty blue when he was born but literally 30 seconds after being placed on me he pinked right up!
The Doctor took care of things with me and the nurses tossed blankets over the baby and I.  They were excellent at just letting the baby stay with me and bond.  No weight, no taking him away to check his length, just some amazing bonding time.

After an hour, Jarrod got a turn snuggling his newest boy!

He's a pro at this baby stuff by now!

And Megan got a turn!

Grayson Luke Persun, weighing 8lbs 6 ozs, 20 1/4" long!  8 hours of active labor and 16 hours of early labor.
We prayed for a healthy baby and a labor with no complications.  We prayed for the right nurses and the right doctors.  We prayed for wisdom for us if decisions needed to be made.  We prayed for an easy recovery for me.
And God answered and gave us all of those!  (I did pray for a super easy/fast labor but He decided no for that one ;)  )
I also couldn't have done it without Jarrod and Megan there.  They knew what I needed and helped me through another intense labor!

Mom arrived shortly after and helped us move to the postpartum room and got to snuggle her newest grandson!

The kids all instantly LOVED their baby brother!

Our littlest love.  We are so blessed!

Grayson's Birth Story Part 2

The ride to the hospital took about 15 minutes.  Every bump was torture!  We arrived there and I waited for the next contraction to hit before leaving the vehicle and walking inside.  Of course that was the contraction that spaced out to 7 minutes and I had just had one before pulling into the hospital parking lot-Jarrod hopped right out and grabbed the suitcase and stood waiting for the contraction to hit, and it took longer than he thought as he was waiting outside in the snow!

I am always impressed, because as we walk the halls of the hospital, one of the workers there notice me working through a contraction and offer a wheelchair.  It doesn't matter what floor they work on, someone always offers!

We got up to maternity and we have to be buzzed in.  I knew my midwife was waiting on the other side but I never know what to say when I press that buzzer.  So I just said that I was Katelyn Persun and I was there to have a baby!  We walked through the doors and my midwife's smiling face greeted me.  It's always a comfort to have her around because she knows me and my preferences!  After I got weighed, I worked through another contraction before heading to the room.  My midwife commented that I made it look like it was nothing-just leaning into Jarrod and having him hold me up as I did a half squat and then eased right back up and continued walking.  Her words there really helped as I was already feeling like I was losing control through the contractions.  The back pain was still very bad and I was feeling exhausted already.  I had already mentioned to Jarrod that I wasn't sure that I could do it this time without pain medication.  I knew I didn't want an epidural but something to take the edge off the back labor I was experiencing.

After getting in the gown, they wanted me to sit in bed for a bit so they could get a strip on the baby's heartrate.  My midwife came in shortly after to check me.  It was about 7am when I was checked.  She said I was 4cm, almost 5cm dilated and 90% effaced.  Jarrod knew instantly I was discouraged.  At this point with active labor with Liliana, she was born.  And here I was with baby5 and was only 4cm and contractions were intense.  My midwife left the room and I turned to Jarrod, fighting back tears.
"Only 4.  I mean, if it was 7 I could just push through."
"You've got this babe.  You're doing great."
"The back labor is horrible.  It's flashbacks to Jadon's labor all over again.  I don't think I can do this without pain medicine this time.  I'm not strong enough.  Contractions are one thing, back labor added on is another."
"Why don't we see what Bridget thinks when she comes in again.  Do you want me to massage your back?" 
No-any touch to my back made it feel worse.  Okay.  Had to focus again on just making it through the contractions.  I was still just breathing through them but my control felt like it was slipping and I wanted to fight them as they came on.
Jarrod didn't know what to do at this point.  I had doubted my ability to be able to work through contractions in other labors but I had never requested pain medicine before.
Megan arrived and jumped right in helping me work through contractions.

Bridget came back in to check on me.  She was supposed to leave at 8am but was trying to see if someone else could help cover something for her so she could stay with me.  I asked her about getting something for the pain.  She watched me through another contraction that was coming on- more frequently now and said she'd check me again and see where I was at.
5cm.  A solid 5cm now.  I asked again about pain medicine and told her that the back labor was excruciating now.  She looked at me for a moment and then suggested I get on the ball or in the tub with the jets for a bit to see if that would help ease the back pain.  She told me that she would get me something if I really wanted it, but I had always told her that I wanted to do it with no pain medicine so she thought I should try the ball or tub before getting anything.  So I did.  I had them get the labor ball as that had helped when I was at home.

The back pain started to ease up a bit.  I sat on the ball, Megan or Jarrod would support it with their feet from behind and each of them would take a hand.  Megan would remind me to relax the muscles in my hand and not tense up and softly whisper encouragement to me and Jarrod would tell me I was doing well or just hold my hand.  Contractions seemed to be coming every 3ish minutes now.  More intensity to them and I was  I texted Liz and Abby at this point and told them I needed prayer.  That I didn't feel like I could do it anymore and I was exhausted.  They both wrote back encouraging messages.  At this point I had been on the ball and would stand occasionally but mostly just sat on the ball and worked through the contractions.  I started feeling more pressure and had a few pushing urges that I tried to hold off for.  Jarrod watched me through a few more where I'd have a strong contraction, have the urge to push, then have a less strong contraction and have no urges, before he called the nurse back in to let her know........

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Grayson's Birth Story Part 1

We spent the days leading up to Grayson's birth wondering if it would be the day and planning the day around making sure I laid down in the afternoons.  Every single one of the labors has started in the middle of the night and I found quickly that if I was exhausted that it made working through the contractions that much harder.  So every day it was, "Kids, time for rest time!"  And for the next hour they were told to stay in their beds and I tried to sleep and at the very least, lay there and rest!
Aaron came to stay with us and graciously canceled one thing after the next when the baby didn't arrive on it's due date...or the day after that...or the day after that..........ultimately it was decided that it was less stressful if he was here and we knew someone was with the kids, just in case this labor happened to be super fast.  One can dream right?  😉

I usually turn on Casting Crowns during labor but this time decided maybe I would just put together a list of songs that were soothing to me and play that.  Have you ever googled playlists for labor and delivery?  I hadn't until this time.  And some of the songs that came up made me laugh out loud!

None of those made it onto my list!

March 8th dawned, bright, sunny and a "warm" 50* predicted as the high!  Jarrod was supposed to go on a business trip on the 12th and we decided that if the baby wasn't born by the end of the day on the 8th, that he would cancel the trip.  He called around 9am to see if anything was going on because he was about to have a conference call with the guys from Germany, and if there wasn't any labor activity going on, he would tell them he wasn't going to be able to make it on the 12th.  Nope-nothing going on.

I started making a 4 layer lemon pie.  The day was calling for something sweet and springy, the sunshine was making it seem like spring!  At 11am on the 8th I realized that I had been having contractions that felt just like the Braxton Hicks I had been having...but maybe with a twinge more of something in there.  Every 5 minutes for the past 30 minutes.  I texted Jarrod the update and included that it might be something or it could just be more labor prep.  I went outside and walked in the yard for awhile.  It was super windy but still the 50* and sunny weather made it SO nice to be outside walking!  At 2:00 we all laid down for naps just like every other day.  I wasn't able to fall asleep but the resting was good.  4:00 I texted Jarrod and told him that the contractions were still every 4-5 minutes, not painful but being that the contractions hadn't went away regardless of what I was doing, I would say I was in labor but still very early labor.  I grabbed something to eat because I knew I soon wouldn't eat anything because I get very nauseous when active labor kicks in if I've eaten anything.
Dinner for everyone else, kids in bed, and we sat and watched TV.  Still nothing beyond persistent contractions with a bit of something else there.  Still couldn't label it as painful though.  At this point I wondered if I'd rather it just kicked in and we got it over with or if I wanted to try to sleep and then it could kick in!

9:30 rolled around and I told the guys I was going to bed.  I doubted this labor would be the exception to labor kicking in in the middle of the night!  I fell asleep quickly but didn't sleep for long.  And so began a sleepless night.  About every 15 minutes I would wake up, uncomfortable, not having to focus on contractions but aware that they were there, and I just wasn't sleeping well.  Which also frustrated me because I knew that wouldn't make for a very good labor.

2:30 hit and so did the first contraction I had to breathe through.  "Okay.   I'll just work with these and get this labor over with!"  And that's what I did.  I laid there until 3, contractions coming every 7-8 minutes and was able to calmly breathe through them.  I was having back pain with them and decided at 3 to get up and see if sitting on the pregnancy ball would help relieve some of that pain.  As I sat up in bed another contraction hit and Jarrod woke up.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Yes, active labor has started.  I'm just going to go downstairs."
It took him a minute to process but then he got up and after watching me through another contraction, he decided to shower and eat something in case this labor was fast.
I sat on the pregnancy ball and worked through contraction after contraction.  They were coming every 5-6 minutes now but the ball was helping with the back pain.  I would drink some water, walk around or sway on the ball while having Family Feud on in the background!   Around 4:15 I texted Megan to let her know that labor had kicked in and she could head here whenever she wanted to.  The contractions were getting more intense and back pain was getting worse.  I was already tired and tried to stay focused on working through the contractions and not fighting them.  Jarrod got things in the car and gently tried to remind me to keep moving around as that has helped the other labors.  So I'd walk from one end of the house to the other, work through a contraction, sit on the ball, walk to the couch, work through a contraction while half squatting.  In my head I was still telling myself, "Okay baby.  Let's do this and get it over with!  I'll do my part and you do yours!"  
Jarrod kept watching me through contractions and commented like they seemed pretty intense.  Should we head to the hospital?  I didn't think so.  There wasn't any additional pressure and I really didn't want to feel confined to a bed so they could get a strip on the baby's heartrate.  I wanted to be able to move and squat as needed.  6:15am and I decided that we should head to the hospital.  I was still working through intense contractions but they weren't going anywhere.  5-6 minutes apart and while they had plenty of back pain and intensity, there wasn't additional pressure yet.  But I knew the kids would be waking up soon and it would be easier to leave before they woke up and Jarrod seemed to think we should head to the hospital.  So off we went....snow flakes were gently falling to the ground and the world was slowly waking up......

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Before and After pictures!

The Family Room


Panoramic view

Part of my view from that beautiful bay window in the family room!

The Kitchen/Dining Room

I didn't get a good picture before we went to Lowes for all the needed supplies!

The kitchen is the first renovation we will work on as finances allow!  For now, this is how it's staying!

Front Living Room

I didn't capture a picture before part of the wallpaper border came down! 

We still need to hang pictures and make it more cozy looking!







By far one of my favorite features!  Anyone who visited us at Smith St knows that the entryway we had was small and meant one or two people could enter at a time.  Not very conducive to hosting!

The Master Suite


After.  Jarrod said he didn't really realize just how big our bedroom was until we put a king bed in there and there is all that space left!  I love how spacious and not cramped it feels!
Baby corner ☺

Master Bath Before


2 sinks, separate room for the toilet, and overall just a large bathroom!  Plus there's a laundry shoot from here!

No changes in the closet other than filling it with clothes!  Through that door there is an attic with tons of storage space!  Those two bins?   Baby boy and girl clothes waiting on this baby!

Family Bathroom




After.  Hard to tell the difference in color but it used to be an apricot brown color and now it's a beige color!

Liliana's Room

Before color
After color.  Not a great picture!

She's sleeping so much better now that she's back in her crib!

Jadon's Room




Kyla and Azelia's Room


After-Panoramic View  They have bed frames coming in this week but until then, mattresses are on the floor!  Double closets in this room which will be perfect as they grow older and Liliana joins them in this room!

Hallway- looking from the Master Bedroom

There is a room that's still being unpacked-the school room!  Which also has my bookshelves of books so I'm slowly working on that room!

Part of our porch and yard.  I love the fenced in pool and fenced in yard!  Finally being able to just send the kids out to play without needing to be out there is very handy!  

Our basement is partially finished and is where we have the playroom and laundry room!  Also not pictured, the pantry, 1/2 bath, side enclosed porch and 2 car garage!   We are very blessed and have lots of space now!