Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Jadon turned 5 (5!) 3 days after Kyla turned 3.  This little boy is 5 going on 30.  He is super smart, practical, a huge helper, quick to learn, loves gifts and special things.  He asks the reason for anything and everything and will remember the answer given.  We're careful to screen what he watches or sees as he has an active imagination.  Often, we'll go up after putting him to bed and he's still there thinking through an invention he's going to make.  He loves his sisters and the bond he has with Kyla is so sweet.  We are blessed!

Jadon Quinn 

5th Birthday!

Planes Party!

Party with cousins

Scavenger Hunt

Cake pops

Handsome Boy

Such a joy!

He adores his daddy!

He loves any sort of climbing and tumbling and is begging to do gymnastics!

My big helper!


Well, Kyla turned 3 in June...June is far gone, but here's a post on her anyway!

Kyla is a delight to our family.  She has a loving, nurturing nature and is sassy and determined.  She loves anything to do with babies and being a mama.  She loves to help me cook in the kitchen and recently has discovered a love for folding clothes with me.  She has a keen memory and can learn quickly.  Her stubborn side shows often enough and I find myself staring into familiar eyes and tell her that her stubborn side came from me so she might as well give in!  Kyla is a mini me in so many ways and I can only pray that I (& Jarrod) can cultivate those giftings as well as the struggles, as well as my parents did in me!

Baby Kyla

3rd Birthday

Dancing with Daddy as they do every year to their song on her birthday!

Happy 3rd Birthday!

My helper


Happy girl!

My little lady who loves dresses

Loves books

Her baby Chloe who goes everywhere with her!
Outside when they play

to the store

and you will often find her babies on the couch for a rest, tucked in with blankets!
Us with our babies

Just like Mama
She loves Liliana and will help talk to her when she needs attention

God blessed us with a sweet girl!