Thursday, May 8, 2014

Life...with 3 children

Life has been very busy here.  I can't pinpoint specifically why we're so busy, but it feels like we're always on the go or have something planned!  When we have a weekend here at home without anything pressing it's nice to be able to relax or get around to those house jobs that have been neglected.
Spring has finally arrived and with it comes the raking of the extra leaves that were blown around before winter fully hit, flower beds cleared of the weeds I didn't get around to pulling, and clothes being switched around from heavy sweaters to short sleeves and bright dresses!

Jadon is 3 going on 30.  He is incredibly smart and picks up on anything and everything!  He understands how we use certain words and will use them in a sentence correctly.
"I assume that is Kyla's intention."
"Mom, if I drink this, I will say, I am drinking this, but if it's all gone I will say that I drank it."
"Azelia baby, it's all how you perceive it." (I laughed at that one!)
He is a thoughtful boy and such a big helper!  He loves to set the table for breakfast and dinner and will push a chair over to the cabinets to unload the dishwasher with me.  He entertains Azelia if needed and grabs anything I need him to get.
My sunshine boy

Kyla is my reader.  If it's quiet you'll find her curled up on a chair with a book and possibly her doll to read to.  She loves being my helper in the kitchen and will push a chair over to help with anything she can whether it's putting cut up veggies in a dish or stirring some batter.  She's learning (and loving!) how to put on her own clothes.  She does socks and pants pretty well, but needs help with the others.  Her eyes are vivid and tell a story all on their own.  She's my girly girl and I love dressing her up!  She also is willing to help Azelia in ANY way she can!

My little beauty

   Azelia is 8 months old and is discovering all sorts of new things!  Crawling and walking along furniture, learning what "no touch" means (she's a quick learner), and she takes 2 good naps a day.  She follows her siblings and me around and will contently play near me.  She is such a loving little girl and loves to snuggle.  She says Dada and is just getting around to babbling Mama.  She's very social and loves seeing people and when in a room full of people will just look around and smile.  She has such and easy going personality and is so joyful!

My sweet girl

We had a special Easter celebrating that He is risen!!  We dressed up in lilac and white this year and had fun foods like cheesebraid, eggs, and bacon for breakfast!  Memories were made and we enjoyed the day!

Jarrod leaves for a business trip to Paris in a couple weeks.  I know...such a hard life right?!  He's working hard and becoming well know within Schluter.  He's helping out with sound at church and is an amazing dad!

And me?  I'm running the home here while Jarrod works.  I'm blessed to be able to stay home with our children.  I just started playing keyboard on the worship team at church and have enjoyed that!

It's a busy season...but oh so fun!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

8 Months old

Somehow, my sweet baby has turned 8 months old.  The time is flying by so quickly and I'm trying to savor every moment with all 3 children!
The babe has learned all sorts of fun tricks!  She fact she's so speedy that if you take your eyes off of her she's on the other side of the room before you know it!  She pulls herself up and walks along the couch.  She has started to let go before realizing she doesn't know how to stand by herself and fails her arms to grab something or will just drop to her bum.  She has two bottom teeth and is cutting in some more.
Azelia is the sweetest little girl.  She has a ready smile and easy going personality!  My little love!

I laugh at this every time I see it!

Such a happy girl!

She wants to be wherever the other two are!
My beautiful girl!