Friday, January 17, 2014

Tips, Tricks, and Favorites

A friend of mine started a blog on 10 tips, tricks, and favorites and through the chain of blog posts, I've been tagged.  Here we go!

:: Every season I go through our clothes before (or as!) they are packed away in bins and get rid of anything that hasn't been worn that season.  The same applies to our toys.  After birthday's or Christmas I go through our toy bins and get rid of anything that isn't played with often and replace it with that new toy.  It keeps the clutter (or toys taking over the living room!) at bay!

:: If my towels start smelling bad I throw them in a hot wash with a cup of white vinegar.  I then run them through the washer again in a normal load with detergent.  It takes care of the smell!  I also do this for the kids clothing that has been drooled on- (and has that "this was soaking wet and dried this way" smell to it) but for that I just grab a bucket and soak it with vinegar and water before throwing it in with the rest of the laundry.

:: I know it's not everyone's favorite, but I LOVE my crockpot!  I've found I can put almost anything in there!  I love putting things like chili in there and having it simmer all. day. long.  It just adds to the flavor that much more!  Putting something in the crockpot in the morning and being able to leave it all day and having it ready at dinnertime makes me feel like I accomplished something early on!

:: I finally found something that takes out grease stains.  Baby Oxy Clean!  I haven't found it to purchase anywhere, besides Babies R Us or Amazon.  So far, there isn't a grease stain it hasn't removed it from!

:: I've been using the workout T25 and it's amazing!  You have to workout for 25 minutes a day 5 days a week.  The extra energy and getting the exercise is the best feeling!  25 minutes is so manageable for me.  If you're interested in it, let me know!

:: I've started asking for books that I read as a child as family Christmas gifts.  That way when the kids are old enough for me to sit and read those type, we have a stack of books ready!

:: When putting together a grocery list I write it out on paper, then re-write it in the order of the how the store is laid out.  A bit OCD?  Perhaps!  But it does help me to be efficient while shopping with 3 kids! 

:: This is a family favorite!  Simple to make and delicious to eat, it's often a requested meal!

:: I got this from Target, nailed it to my wall next to the pantry and put all the mail/bills in it.  When it comes time to pay the bills, they are easy to find because I always set them in there.  And that way I can't put too much in there- it leaves my kitchen clutter free from paper and envelopes!


 The storage unit (found at lowes) shown behind Kyla in that picture is so helpful for our family!  I store the toys in the bins and it makes it very easy to tell the kids, "Go pull out the blue bin and play with the food stuff."  When picking up the toys it helps because Jadon knows which bins hold which toys and therefore everything gets back where it's supposed to be...most of the time ;)

Tag!  You're it!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Azelia: 4 months old

My baby girl is over 4 months old.  Most days I can't believe just how quickly time has passed since she's been born. 

She prefers to sleep in her bassinet and most of the time will fall asleep after being laid down as opposed to being nursed to sleep.  Every so often she will fall asleep in my arms and I snuggle her for as long as I can and breathe in her sweet baby scent that will be gone before I know it

As soon as she wakes up and sees me she gets a huge grin on her face and kicks excitedly- what a wonderful way to wake up!

Jadon often asks to hold or do something with Azelia.  He loves each of his sisters!

Playing with toys and happily entertains herself!

My sweet sweet girl!

Kyla is very attentive to Azelia.  If Azelia cries Kyla instantly is on the hunt for her nuk to put in or will come tell me she's crying.  So cute!

She has been drooling constantly for over a month now.  No tooth buds yet but I'm expecting to see them within the next month. 
She got up on all fours today and I about fell over.  Slow down baby!  She backs up and turns as well as rolls when she's on the ground. 
Azelia loves interacting with people.  She is such a social little girl!  She can be tired and ready for a nap but if you put her in a room with people she's content to watch people.  She loves when you talk to her and she responds in her little voice with squeaks and sounds. 
She is such an excellent baby!  Happy and content, she only cries when she's very hungry or overly tired.  Otherwise she just plays or watches what's going on. 

My Azelia love, 4 months old and such a wonderful part of our lives!

I don't want to kiss you goodnight, I'll just keep on holding you tight
Cause baby I know, you'll change and you'll grow
You'll get bigger with each one in life

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Christmas Season Part IV

Christmas morning dawned and the kids slept till 7:45! 

Love how excited he was!

Azelia decided to sleep till 8:30 that morning!

Christmas breakfast

Awake and happy!

Her Christmas gift from Jarrod and I

Littlest Love

Dr. Jadon Persun is in the house!

Gail celebrated Christmas with us and blessed us immensely!

Posing with his new Eagles apron...perfect for frying up bacon with!

My precious children

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Christmas Season Part III

Kyla helped me bake for the couple's party we were hosting

I cannot describe how much I love this!

The spread for the Christmas party

Punch and of course, Church and State Coffee!

Ryan and Abby came for the party and stuck around an extra morning-breakfast with cousins

Jadon wrapped presents on his own this year

I hosted a baby shower and made the theme blue and white (as she is expecting a baby boy!)

Trying cake pops for the first time

"Dad, that's my cake pop!"


We were home this year on Christmas Eve and had fun establishing our family traditions!

Christmas Eve breakfast

French Toast with fresh strawberries & whipped cream

The day passed in getting last minute presents wrapped (*ahem* not me ;)  ), prepping for dinner and spending time together as a family!

Ready for dinner

Enjoying some sparkling grape juice

Such a big girl


The babe

Opening up their Christmas Eve gifts-new pajamas! 

The girls went down for bed and Jadon stayed up for a special evening!  Reading the Christmas story while drinking hot chocolate and eating Christmas cookies!

Picture perfect

Loving every minute

Mmmm, yummy!

Listening intently

My 3 blessings